Which brought the most mentions

At the beginning of this year’s holidays, the Ceneo. website came to support shelters by. Organizing a unique action Rekordowamiska, which combine helping homeless animals with breaking the Guinness World Record in the number of fille bowls. The goal was clear – in 30 days to collect 21 tons of food (70,000 full bowls), which was to be delivere to the shelter in Bydgoszcz , Koszalin , Chorzów , Celestynów , Konin , Zielona Góra . lanes 1 click = 1 bowl This largest food collection in the world laste from June 6 to July 5. At that time, all smartphone. Owners could help animals – it was enough to download the. Ceneo application and click on the picture with the dog. Each click fille one bowl and brought us closer to breaking.

The official weighing of food during

The Guinness World Record, which – as. The grand finale of the action showe – finally belongs to us! record bowl0 We manage to fill 70,798 bowls , thanks to database which the Ceneo.website bought a total of 21,239.5 kg of food . As you can easily calculate, each of the six shelters receive 3,539 kg , which will ensure their peaceful survival for 2-3 months . Engagement of Internet users Breaking the record was base on the involvement of Internet users – it is very well visible in. Results collecte with the help of Brand24. The record bowl began to be talke about. A few days before its official start and this discussion.


The first half of action

Was going on throughout the action. In total, 1,920 entries were create – among them, almost 500 containe the phrases “Ceneo”, “rekordamiska” and “Guinness Record”. The most happening was in social meia, dominate by Facebook (1175 entries), Twitter (445 tweets) and Instagram (197 photos). The scale of the action record Source: Brand24 was BWB Directory more dynamic, which can be seen in the chart below. The second week, (557) and a record-breaking. Over 7-million social meia reach, stood out in particular. In turn, the most famous day of the action fell on its second half.

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