What an Editor Does

If you don’t have performers, the editor will find someone who will write. Not only authors, by the way, but will select a team for the entire editorial staff – illustrators, layout designers, maybe programmers.

But don’t dump all the tasks on the editor. For example, targeting or context. These are related functions, the editor can understand metrics, can evaluate efficiency, can help with content for advertising, but is not obliged to manually participate in the setup.

 Bring your authors and other performers to the project

If the editor has been working for a whatsapp data  long time, he has a database of authors and other contractors. This does not mean that the editor will take a ready-made editorial team from your previous place of work. It will simply be easier for him to assemble a combat unit from ready-made developments. Without this link, it is difficult to assemble a department.

One of the editor’s tasks, in our opinion, is not just to demand a certain quality from authors, but to develop and grow them. During our work, content managers grow into authors for federal-level publications. This is normal. By the way, this saves a lot of money, because authors’ fees do not grow as fast as their skill. If this is not the case, then you immediately buy cool authors and miss the opportunity to save.

 Coordinates the work of authors

whatsapp data

Will ensure that several or several dozen texts are written simultaneously. Will distribute tasks by urgency. Will be able to quickly transfer tasks if someone is lost and does not get in touch. Will give it to you for missed deadlines.

Finds out if the other person has understood the task and deadlines correctly. Ideally, he will recite the written technical task and answer questions. Even better, he will get them to ask him questions and answer them.

Writes the text instead of the author

If the former has disappeared, he needs an solisyon an entegre alipay  example or there is simply no suitable performer at the moment. Some editors write that they write poorly. It is not very clear how this can be. An editor should easily produce a consistently good text. By the way, it is easier in an agency – there are more hands and editorial heads that are ready to take on the task.

Will select topics, time of publication, date of publication and platform. Will take into account the requirements of the platform for external publication, will communicate with the editor, will find out how to place without problems, how much it costs and how to do it for free.

He shouldn’t collect them, but he should understand what numbers to look at in order to know how and in what direction to develop his resource. The editor should understand what engagement is, why virality is important and when you can ignore CTR. This is necessary at least to prove to the employer that he is not wasting his salary and wearing out his chinos in vain.

 Write editorial policy   

It will quickly adapt to any accounting aleart news  program, create  cards for authors and processes, and ensure that information is not lost, entered and updated on time. By the way, we work in the free Freedcamp.

Even at the selection stage, he will not allow bad copywriters to be recruited into the team. If necessary, he will help the HR, adjust the selection process, develop a test task that he considers sufficient for screening.

The editor is the first person performers communicate with. He hires them and is the one expected to explain if something goes wrong. A good editor will fire the author in a way that will not offend him, and there will be no indignation or angry posts on Facebook.

For example, it will tell you how to fix threads with negative comments, what to answer angry users to divert them to another topic or cool their ardor. For example, when we write articles for external publications, our work does not stop at creating the text and publishing it. We always control the comments and provoke the right moods around the publication ourselves.

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