The tailor-made spot for your company

We have already talked about the usefulness of videos, as well as the various types that can be created.

However, it is not so obvious to understand how these tools can make a difference for your company.

Every brand has a unique and inimitable characteristic , as well as its own personality.

And it is precisely these aspects that will need to be highlighted and presented in the most appropriate way for your target , through tailor-made commercials.

We already know what you’re thinking… “They’re all good at talking… but what about in practice?”

This is why we have chosen to give some practical examples at the bottom of this article.

Consulting with industry professionals is always the best thing to do, so that they can give the right shape to your vision, without risking damaging your image.

Putting yourself in good hands

It is important that the professionals you rely on know how to listen to your needs, but also advise you.

The first ideas are not always the best and those with experience in the communications sector could recommend alternatives that are more functional for your case and that you hadn’t yet thought of.

And last but not least… Don’t neglect the human side ! When it comes to creating and communicating your message to your audience, if the professional who will be in charge of it is not in tune with your ideals and does not understand them, it will be difficult for him to transmit them for you.

Four eyes see better than two

When it comes to building a brand identity for your company (whether it’s creating a logo or creating advertising campaigns), nothing can be left to chance and for us, the comparison between all the members of the creative and technical staff is very important.

Our team of experts is made up of professionals for every need: creatives, illustrators, graphic designers, programmers and even video producers.

Practical examples
Excluding the technical part, there are no essential rules in creating the perfect video for you. The possibilities are very vast, but not everything can be suitable for you. You have to know how to choose: promotional video , video for social media, corporate videos … only those who “frequent” and create them every day can guide and support you in the best way.

The guidelines change from year to year, the rules are different from one platform to another, and there is nothing worse than spending half an hour browsing the social media help pages to resolve doubts and problems, or jumping from one site to another gathering partial and often outdated information. Don’t panic, this post is just for you.

Here we have collected all the basic rules

For uploading and managing visual content on the main social platforms for a healthy and robust online business life: image size and resolution, video duration, supported formats, life, other life and miracles for sharing your visual content.

Warning: the display proportions may be different depending on the device you are using (smartphone, tablet, desktop), here are the optimal ones, for the best definition display.

The size and formats of images/videos on social media
Images and videos on Facebook
Profile picture : 320 x 320 px
Cover image : 851 x 315 px (on smartphones it is cropped to 640 x 360 px… so make sure the important content fits in this central area)
(These dimensions apply to both your personal page and your business page)

Post image: 1200 x 630 px (but any size is allowed. A minimum width of 720 px is recommended)
Image link : 1200 x 630 px
Event Cover Image/Video : 1200 x 628 px (If you upload a video as your cover, the recommended length is 30 sec – 5 min.)

Video Post : the same dimensions indicated for images apply

Stories : 9:16 ratio (1080 x 1920 px… or at least 720 x 1280 px)
Tips & tricks Images: for faster uploading use JPEG format with RGB color profile. …  To ensure that your images display at their best, use PNG or JPG format of the recommended size and file size <100 Kb Recommended video formats: MP4, MOV (other formats are also accepted, but these are the recommended ones)

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Images on LinkedIn

Personal profile picture : 300 x300 px
Personal cover image : 1536 x 768 px
Company profile image : 300 x300 px
Company cover image : 1128 x 376
Custom Business Forms Image : 502 x 282 px
Company photo : 900 x 600 px (if your company profile has this module)
Post images : ratio 1.91:1 – optimal 1200 x 627 px
Tips & Tricks
Accepted image formats: JPEG, PNG. If you upload an image france phone number material that is less than 200px wide in your status bw lists update, it will be displayed as a thumbnail on the left side of the post.

Images on Twitter

Profile picture : 400×400 px
Cover image : 1500 x 500 px (JPEG, PNG, non-animated GIF)
Photo tweet : there are no recommended dimensions. An optimal format can be 1640 x 859 px.  maximum file size 5 MB
Video : The maximum file size for videos you can upload is 512 MB. If you upload a video longer than 2 minutes and 20 seconds, you can trim it before including it in your Tweet.
Images and videos on Instagram
Profile Image : 160 x 160 px (JPEG or PNG)
Feed images: 1080px wide (minimum 320px wide). Aspect ratio must be between 1.91:1 and 4:5.  Examples of optimal formats: square 1080 x 1080px / landscape 1080 x 566px / portrait 1080 x 1350
Stories : 9:16 ratio (1080×1920, 900×1600, 720×1280 px, minimum: 600x1067px). files max 4GB
Video feed : aspect ratio like images; duration 3-60 seconds
IGTV Video : 9:16 or 16:9 ratio; MP4 format; file < 650 MB if within 10′, <3.6 GB up to 60′
Tips & tricks
For IGTV videos, you can upload videos between 1 and 15 minutes from mobile devices and between 16 and 60 minutes from web. Minimum frame rate 30 FPS (frames/second). Minimum resolution 720 px.

If you manage business accounts for your business

An organization, we assume that you have an editorial plan in line with a clear strategy and objectives. Maintaining your social presence requires a lot of time and energy , it would be a real shame (as well as a financial loss) to waste it.

Don’t know how to make an editorial plan? Download our template!

Your editorial plan may include sharing content on different platforms, each of which has specific technical, stylistic, user and sharing characteristics. On Facebook it is normal to see a buongiorno , on LinkedIn absolutely not, for example. And so on. Managing these differences is not trivial, it takes adequate texts and effective and curated visual content.

There are numerous software programs for creating

Editing images, from the powerful mix of integrated applications of Adobe Creative Cloud , which require a certain amount of expertise, to more user-friendly and targeted tools like Canva , which has many templates already sized for making graphics for social media (posts, covers…) and a wide selection of fonts, photos, stickers, frames (including free ones) and a photo editing tool.

As for texts, we recommend this article on digital copywriting (writing poems or chivalric novels does not necessarily imply knowing how to write for the web, which requires specific skills and knowledge).

When it comes to sharing, there are many tools and platforms to organically manage the content to share.

 We use HubSpot

A powerful Inbound marketing platform , which allows us to schedule posts, archive them, monitor them; manage sponsored campaigns, analyze feedback and results of campaigns and shares. (This is just for social media management, HubSpot also does a lot more , from site management, to training, to activity tracking, etc.).

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