Here are a few things top-content marketers think you should do to help impress your boss and get a raise. Scott Abel The Content Wrangler | scottabel Quit your job. Get another. The salary bump at the new gig will likely be more than your current boss will be able to raise your salary. Just ask any manager Work Outside of Work If you’re new to the content marketing space and trying to break in the best thing you can do to get hire with a competitive starting salary is do content marketing as part of a passion project.
Create a website and grow an audience
We also suggest practicing answers to these questions. Joe Pulizzi Content Marke phone number library ting Institute Founder | JoePulizzi To anyone looking to get into content marketing I always tell them to grow their own audience. It could be around their hobby or something they are intereste in…could be anything really. If you go out and create consistent regular content and build even a small audience over time literally anyone will hire you.
In a similar vein create notoriety for
Yourself prior to intervie by lists wing. Here’s why Mark W. Schaefer author consultant and author of KNOWN | markwschaefer The only permanent sustainable and transferrable advantage an individual has today is be ‘known’ in their industry. Somebody who is known will command more opportunities than somebody who is not. This means being mindful about creating the online presence authority and reputation to give yourself the best opportunity to succeed.
Mark W. Schaefer’s book is here Develop
More Skills Anoth beginner blogging insights from making my first $1000 er challenge in advancing your content marketing career is developing the variety of skills require to succee. Expanding on these will help in getting a raise. Arnie Kuenn CEO of Vertical Measures | ArnieK There are many different roles in content marketing all requiring different skill sets. But there is one thing I recommend anyone involve in content marketing do to make themselves more valuable to their organization; that is to truly understand your brand’s customer journey so that you can build a strategy that puts the right optimize content in front of your customer at the right time.