Marketing that works: method and tools

Let’s take a quick look at what a marketing manager of an SME needs today to achieve their goals.

1) Strategy
First of all, you need a marketing strategy . It may seem trivial but it often doesn’t exist, it’s incomplete, it’s off target… or clearly unachievable: examining the target , the context , determining the value offered, defining the objectives and tactics to achieve them, are the basic elements on which to build an effective strategy. We’ve already talked about this much more extensively here .

2) Tools Then you need tools , or “tools”.

The “sine qua non” is definitely a good CRM (Client Management System): its importance is essential to manage everything in a centralized way: a single environment where the company functions are connected, to always know “who does what”, and immediately find what you are looking for. Inside the CRM, the Marketing Hub (marketing activity management tool of HubSpot , the platform we use) allows you to keep Marketing and Sales in close collaboration (the so-called Smarketing ), and make them work in synergy .

Through CRM it is then possible to automate many functions that would otherwise require an excessive expenditure of time and resources: from the management of the editorial plan, to sending newsletters, to data analysis, user profiling and tools for converting visitors into potential customers (= lead generation ).

3) Methodology Finally the methodology

How to find new customers by offering them real value through your products or services, to help them solve their problems? We use the ” Inbound
” methodology described for the first time in the book ” Inbound Marketing: Get Found Using Google, Social Media and Blogs ” written by Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah , the two founders of HubSpot .

marketing_hub Inbound Marketing TurinThe Marketing Hub
To successfully apply the Inbound methodology, an integrated Marketing tool is essential . HubSpot’s Marketing Hub was created for this very reason.

integrates all the tools we need in one place

connects with Sales and Support (Service Hub) to share and find all the information you need, and “tie” everything together.
A “Hub” is therefore a set of ” Tools ” (software tools or applications) that operate in a workspace shared by team members.

The Marketing Hub also serves to increase site traffic and convert contacts into customers, while the Sales and Support Hubs handle pre-purchase and post-purchase respectively .
The centralized management database stores all the information so that all the hubs use a single shared data source .
This concept is fundamental: shared information helps the company’s teams to “align” on the same goals and to have more effective personalized conversations with contacts (both existing customers and prospects).

One of the most complete and current marketing resources for companies wishing to improve their mobile marketing tactics is the Costa Rica Mobile Database. Businesses in a variety of sectors use our mobile database extensively to america cell phone number list connect with their target markets in Costa Rica. It provides businesses with a large database of mobile numbers for marketing campaigns, customer service, and targeted advertising.

America Cell Phone Number List

Inside the Marketing Hub

Here you’ll find the tools you need to germany phone number material launch marketing campaigns that attract, engage and delight your customers, such as:

detailed information about each bw lists contact (personal details and log of every interaction you’ve had with them so far)
Profiled lists based on each contact’s information (to create hyper-targeted segments, and present the right content in front of the right people)
tools to manage all social media and create contextualized ads
tools to create SEO-optimized web pages , posts , landing pages and email messages that can be used on any device (create “content strategies” that adapt to search engines, publish blog content, publish on social media at the optimal times to reach the right influencers and followers).
Design forms and Call To Action (CTA) for visitors, which can be created without any programming skills

Automation systems to create

Drip Campaigns and push leads to become customers
reporting tools (analytics tools, dashboards and custom reports) that you can use to create and share knowledge with your team
other tools, such as notification systems , contact management systems , etc.)
Single Tools VS All-in-one
The marketer has to manage different activities on a daily basis:
website pages, social networks, lists, blog, forms, Adv campaigns, DEM, reports, SEO, …

Marketing Hub – Inbound Marketing Turin

If we use different tools for each of them, we will never be able to manage them profitably and efficiently. Hubspot’s Marketing Hub allows us to manage everything in a single environment , on a single dashboard , with the possibility of automating different processes.

How to Use Marketing Hub to Achieve Your Goals
Once the objective and the related KPIs (performance indicators) have been defined, let’s see how to use the Marketing Hub to carry out the project through some examples.

Example goals: increase site visits, convert site visitors into leads, or nurture existing leads to present them to Sales as potential customers.

To do this, you need to set reasonable and precise goals :

Identify current performance before setting new goals.
Determine where there are gaps in your current process or content that represents growth opportunities.
Create detailed marketing plans to solve problems that slow growth
What are “reasonable” goals? Here are some examples:

This is an unlikely , if not impossible , goal

grow from 1,000 visits/month to 10,000 visits/month
– in 6 months
– Monthly increase: 47%
This instead, for example, is a probable, reasonable goal:
– grow from 1,000 visits/month to 1,800 visits/month
– in 6 months
– Monthly increase: 10%
Here are the questions to ask yourself to achieve goals like the previous one:

Don’t forget to check if there are contacts in the database who, for example, have not received a response in the last 6 months… and intervene promptly!

Increase the conversion rate

The website must be accessible and easy to use, and the user must be able to easily send his email; remember to include the right questions to profile him and get to know him better.
It is important to offer valuable content in exchange for the user’s contact information.
Increase Traffic
Optimize the contents of your site and blog using a targeted ‘ content strategy ‘ and the appropriate SEO tools , to “strengthen” the contents and re-propose the best posts on social media.
Respond to requests quickly and in a personalized way
Create automated responses to form submissions. Automated email responses are an important follow-up to what the visitor has downloaded or the request they have submitted through our site’s contact form.
These are some short-term project ideas to improve your marketing efforts, very simple, that you can implement using Marketing Hub .

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