To measure the effectiveness and efficiency of your digital advertising plan, the first thing to do is learn to analyze data correctly.
How many times has an agent tri to sell
Your company advertising space claiming to sell solutions with high conversion rates?
By saying this, the representatives argue that advertising distribut in the manner indicat is able to change the behavior of the public who will come into contact with those ads, pushing them to make purchases.
In reality, the conversion rate we are talking about in this case is nothing more than the lift
of the ads in question.
A real behavioral change will only occur if your
Target audience is completely unfamiliar with the product or service they are expos to until they come into contact with it.
Only in this context can we talk about a real conversion, from click to sale, which will lead to an increase in ROI.
When do we talk about lifts?
Lift is a test-bas measure of how your advertising campaigns impact metrics such as brand awareness and consideration.
To conduct the test, two groups are creat: a control group and one expos to the ad
we are analyzing.
The results relating to the indicat parameters and total sales will demonstrate whether the propos advertising has really influenc the number of online and offline purchases, the increase in ROI and profits, and whether it has actually allow a change in the behavior of the target audience.
Using both lift and conversion rate as metrics to determine the effectiveness of a digital advertising campaign will allow you to invest your budget wisely and precisely, without wasting precious resources.
An example? Procter & Gamble and
In recent years, Unilever have significantly ruc their spending on digital advertising.
In 2017, P&G ruc its spending by 6%, in 2018, Unilever sav 30%
of its advertising budget.
Instead of focusing on analyzing the whatsapp data performance of their advertising by calculating clicks and views, indicators of frequency, the giants have engag in the analysis
of coverage or reach .
This “simple” change in their tactics expos a malfunction in their digital advertising, meaning that the same user was expos to the same ad too many times, making it irrelevant and ultimately useless.
How did this experiment go?
P&G saw organic sales levels increase by 7.5%, Unilever had an increase of 3.8%.
The companies increas the volume by lists of their target audience, significantly increasing the number of new customers, who until then had been (or almost) unfamiliar with the offerings of the two brands.
Analyze the lift of your digital advertising activities to produce increasingly sophisticat advertising campaigns, bas on real data of users includ in your target audience and reach as many as possible, without increasing your dicat spending.
Deliver tailor ads, targeting your millised on loome- ja turundusmeeskondade võimalused audience through the creation of Therefore, smart audiences, or specific and detail segments, which will allow you to confidently submit the Therefore, right advertising to interest users, at the right times and through the
right channels for them.
This way, you will be able to see the Therefore, results of your efforts more quickly: your customer portfolio will increase and your ROI will undergo a significant and rapid increase.